My photo
So lost deep inside, Is all that makes me. My true identity, Is hard to see. To my friends and family, I’m a different me. I have a secret identity, Wonder if you’ll ever see. My thoughts and actions, Are all that makes me, But some things I may do, May not describe me. Now look inside me, If you ever feel, like it, I’m no-one but me, Never hiding my identity. Don’t say I am hypocrisy, Because I never showed you, two of me. Now please, Look at me, Try to see the real me. I’m no-one but, my real identity.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jangan Suka Sangat...

wow! tajuk yang menarik..

Riwayat Ad-Dailani dipetik daripada Ibnu Abbas:
"Afiat itu sepuluh bahagian. Sembilan bahagian terletak pada perbuatan berdiam. Bahagian yang ke sepuluh pula terletak pada perbuatan mengasingkan diri daripada orang ramai"

hidup ibarat putaran roda, ada kala kita berada di suatu tahap di mana semua berpihak kepada kita. Namun akan ada di suatu ketika, dimana kita akan jatuh, yakni rundung kepiluan dan kesedihan di jiwa kita. It is not so hard to be yourself, the real problem just people around you. Can their except you, mean the inside of you, the real of you, the personality that make who you are.
kekadang kita tak sedar silap yang dah kita buat, tapi kita juga sebenarnya tidak berhak untuk judge kesilapan orang lain kerna kita tidak layak melainkan hanya BELIAU yang mampu memberi hukuman. Sama ada di dunia mahupun ketika di akhirat, sesungguhnya setiap perbuatan (jahat) akan di beri pembalasan(secara terang-terangan atau lisan).
Di katakan ketawa adalah penawar bagi segala jenis penyakit. Bukan begitu, yang sebenarnya ketawa hanya sebagai pengubat hati dan jiwa yang lara. Namun bukan semua antara kita yang mampu membuat seseorang insan itu ketawa. Ini di kaji kerana populasi raja lawak kini makin menjadi-jadi di serantau asia dan seluruh planet-planet yang sama waktu dengan nya.

sekian, tq..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the real of BIADAP in the other side

who am I???
just the nickname dat i created by my self a few years ago...but kind of cool and maybe funny...for me it just a name...(kot) well, ada citer di sebalik nama tuh...

people always judge the book by its cover...why hah??? sebab dia best... hahahaa...

kenali seseorang melalui hati dan budi beliau...memang pada masa skunk manusia susah nak di jangka, perangai, perwatakan, luaran bukan segala-galanya...tapi kita pernah sedar tak, bahawa diri kita sendiri mempunyai suatu sifat dan naluri yang tersendiri, keinginan yang tersendiri...rahsia yang tersembunyi...

zaman kita akan berlalu, maka hayati setiap detik yang di anugerahkan... warnai ia dengan seribu satu kenangan manis dan senyuman mesra...

da lari tajuk nie...xpelah...mate da talak bole tahan woo...manyak ngantok...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

కాన్ బాయ్ & గర్ల్ బె జస్ట్ ఫ్రెండ్??

Guys, men, boys…they all mean the same to a certain extend. Then, there are some who are suitable to be, just friends with. I call them the buddy type. They shop, gossip and watch movies with you. We talk about our men with them and they would totally listen and comment accordingly. I’m sure you have some guy friends like that.

It’s cool to have men as your best buddies simply because they have a whole different perceptive of everything. Not to say that girl friends are not cool - don’t get me wrong. It’s just that men rationalize and look at things from a different angle. It’s good to look at things from both side of the coin, isn’t it? Plus, it’s logical to get advice about men from a man. It’s rather refreshing sometimes.

If they are so cool and understanding, then how come he’s just a friend? He’s not gay either. Ha ha ha, this is the tricky bit. Some men, we are just not attracted to “that way”. No chemistry and no butterfly in your stomach feeling kind of man. No sexual attraction and no physical tension. Funny, but I can’t explain it myself.

Now, here comes the type of man who gives you all the above kind of feeling. It’s the boyfriend material. How would you know? Well I always believe in a woman’s instincts. It’s very powerful, so use it! These are the men whom you would do anything for. He makes you feel special because there is some unexplainable connection between you and him. There’s love.

The major difference between a male buddy and a boyfriend is that, boyfriends can make you feel jealous for no substantial reason. Caught him looking at another girl and you would throw tantrum, but if your male buddy does that, you would be totally supportive about it.

There is also another type, I call it The Façade - you both are just friends but deep inside, you are actually “mad” about him but have no guts what so ever to confess. This is the toughest category. Confess and risk losing a friend? Conceal and have your heart broken every time he talks about another girl he fancies? Both ways you lose.

If you are the bold type, I would say confess. At least you will feel relieved knowing that he knows, on top of that, the ball is now in his court. If he doesn’t feel the same about you, at least you know it for sure. I strongly suggest you move on with your life after the awkward confession session. Look up, be strong and move on, girls. On the contrary, I would personally avoid this option - I’ll totally chicken out.

So, which type of men do you have in your life? The buddy? The boyfriend? or the façade? It’s difficult to categorize them in this manner because some of them can be a mixture of almost everything, creating an unidentified hybrid. But one thing’s for sure -our relationship and interaction with men is inevitable. Who and what type of friendship you wish to establish with them, is completely entirely up to you - as long as you know where to draw the line.