My photo
So lost deep inside, Is all that makes me. My true identity, Is hard to see. To my friends and family, I’m a different me. I have a secret identity, Wonder if you’ll ever see. My thoughts and actions, Are all that makes me, But some things I may do, May not describe me. Now look inside me, If you ever feel, like it, I’m no-one but me, Never hiding my identity. Don’t say I am hypocrisy, Because I never showed you, two of me. Now please, Look at me, Try to see the real me. I’m no-one but, my real identity.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Tiba-Tiba la kan malam yg agak muram ni aniki terdengar paluan KOMPANG kat luar rumah aniki...bukan main meriah lak tuh dia berpalu, dah macam kenduri ngantor pengantinnye malam ni juge...hahaaa...rupe-rupenye, selang beberapa buah rumah aniki ada pakcik tuh mmg ngajor kompang...kelakar selama 10tahun aniki dok kat sini tak pernah la pulak semeriah ni paluannya...hihihiii...


nak cakap, tak semua orang dapat mengecapi setiap impian mereka, bagi yang sudah tercapai dan terhidang rezekinya, bersyukurlah, kerana aniki sendiri kena akur dengan setiap yg telah ditetapkan..hihihiii...

nothing seyes, just bosan nak menaip, kot..


1 comment:

Mohd Hazim said...

tunggu rombongan meminang lah aniki oiit...