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So lost deep inside, Is all that makes me. My true identity, Is hard to see. To my friends and family, I’m a different me. I have a secret identity, Wonder if you’ll ever see. My thoughts and actions, Are all that makes me, But some things I may do, May not describe me. Now look inside me, If you ever feel, like it, I’m no-one but me, Never hiding my identity. Don’t say I am hypocrisy, Because I never showed you, two of me. Now please, Look at me, Try to see the real me. I’m no-one but, my real identity.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pagi-pagi aku dah terasa nak berbloging. Mana taknye, aku tengok je muke kumbang busuk tuh, tiba-tiba rasa panas ati, ni lum lagi tengok kumbang gemok tuh, satgi dia mai lagi membara ati aku. Huh, pjg umur gemok nih, mana taknye, dah bdn pun sehat jer mst la pjg umur, amin..(aku mendoakan yg baik utk ko nih)
Hurm...punye la berdebar aku dok tggu result kemasukan uitm tahun 2012, dah dekat seminggu try, xdpt masuk web tu, mcm shit, last2 minta tolong member jauh aku cek kan, dia dah la xdpt, adoi sebesalah lak ase dgn dia.
BALQIS, aku kenal dia time intrvw kat upsi dulu, tp time intrvw tu kami tak bertegur sapa sgt pun, tiba2 je makin rapat sebab nasib kami sama, apply merata tapi habuk pun xdpt...
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